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11 Things to Do Before You Start Selling on Amazon

Making an Amazon business work takes more than just finding and offering a product. Many things must be considered and planned for because an Amazon business is real. Some problems you didn’t expect will probably come up if you don’t.

You need to do 8 things before you can sell on Amazon. This post will talk about them. It will be easy to get past some of the problems that many people have when they first start their Amazon business if you do all of these things.

All 8 of these steps will make sure you have a smooth journey, whether you’re just thinking about selling on Amazon or are already in the process of signing up. Starting now!

Get a Pro Merchant Account

Even though it costs money, you need a Pro Merchant account if you want to sell things on Amazon and make money. It is important to have a Pro Merchant account if you want to win something on Amazon called the “Buy Box.” When you click on an item listing, this is the little “Add to Cart” box that shows up.

Eighty percent of all sales go to the seller in the “Buy” box. This means that the seller in the “Buy” box will always have an advantage over other sellers in the same offering.

Once you have a Pro Merchant account, the best part is that the things you sell can now be delivered on Prime Day. 

Members of Amazon’s Prime program will be able to get fast delivery services like same-day delivery and shipping when they place an order on your ad. Also, Amazon gives buyers with Prime delivery more chances to get the Buy Box than other sellers.

From now on, you can compete with sellers who have better customer reviews than you. That’s because the Buy Box doesn’t show how many reviews a seller has and doesn’t give away much else about the seller.

It’s important. Since you won’t have any reviews at first, you can use the Buy Box to make Amazon sales and get feedback. Since you’ll make more money with a Pro Merchant account than a free seller account, we highly advise that you get one.

The Clash of Mindsets: 9-to-5 vs. Amazon Entrepreneurship

Many people struggle to comprehend how selling products online can be a viable career path. They may view it as unstable or risky, especially when compared to the perceived security of a regular job.

 This lack of understanding can manifest in various ways, from well-intentioned concern to outright dismissal of the seller’s efforts.

For example, an Amazon seller might face questions like, “Is this just a hobby?” or “When are you going to get a real job?” These comments, while often coming from a place of care, can be demoralizing and chip away at the seller’s confidence. 

Sellers must recognize that this resistance stems from a lack of familiarity with the e-commerce landscape rather than a personal attack on their choices.

Prepare the Right Amazon Account Applications Documents

When you apply for an Amazon FBA account, make sure you have the right paperwork ready. When you sign up to be a seller on Amazon, you will need two important papers.

  • A photo of a government-issued ID, like a driver’s license or passport
  • Something from the bank that has your address on it
  • It’s really easy to make both papers. Take a picture of your ID with your phone’s camera, then log in to your bank account and download your most recent bank statement.

Then, when Amazon asks you to during the registration process, send both of these files.

Act Fast, Don’t Wait!

Amazon FBA is always changing and growing. These changes are generally meant to make it harder to get in, not easier.

For instance, Amazon moved its Personal Care category from one that didn’t have any limits to one that did. According to Amazon, new FBA sellers can’t send their first package in the fourth quarter of the year since 2016.

These are only two of the many changes Amazon has made in the past few years. Each year, they add more variations. Therefore, it’s important to act quickly and sign up to be a seller so that doing business is easy.

It’s worth thinking about. Selling Personal Care items on Amazon would have been easier if you had signed up before they put limits on the category in 2014.

Also, in 2016, you would have had no trouble sending packages during the fourth quarter if you were a reputable FBA seller before they put limits on operations. It’s easier if you make an account and start selling right away. Hurry up and do something now!

Furthermore, do not fear limits. They are on your side. It’s harder for genuine sellers to compete when there are restrictions.

Read More: Must-Join: Top 5 Amazon Communities for Sellers

Pick your Amazon Business Model

You need to pick a business plan that will help you make sales before you set up an Amazon store. You can pick from a lot of types. Private labeling and drop shipping are two of them.

You can choose between these two great business plans, but keep in mind that each has pros and cons that will work in your favor more or less. This is why it’s important to pick a model that works for your skills, your life balance, and your finances.

For instance, one benefit of private labeling is that Amazon FBA will fulfill your orders, so you don’t have to pick and pack them yourself.

On the other hand, private labeling has a high start-up cost, which makes it harder for people who don’t have a lot of money to play. 

When you drop ship, you don’t buy a product until you’ve been paid for it. This makes it much less likely that you’ll waste money on stock that doesn’t sell.

Dropshipping, on the other hand, means that you have to place each customer’s order yourself, which takes time away from other parts of your business.

The point is that you should look into different business plans and choose the one that works best for you. This will help you run your business better and have more fun!

Developing a Growth Mindset for Amazon Success

To combat skepticism and overcome challenges, Amazon sellers must develop a growth mindset that allows them to persevere. This involves reframing obstacles as opportunities for learning and improvement.

 When faced with a product listing hijack or false claims against their account, a growth-minded seller doesn’t view these as insurmountable obstacles but as chances to enhance their business protection strategies and develop better auditing processes.

Consider the case of Sarah, an Amazon seller who left her corporate job to pursue her e-commerce business full-time. Initially, her family and friends were skeptical, constantly questioning her decision and expressing concern about her financial stability. 

Instead of becoming discouraged, Sarah used this as motivation to educate herself further about Amazon’s algorithms, marketing strategies, and inventory management. She viewed each challenge as a steppingstone to greater success, ultimately proving her doubters wrong as her business flourished.

Get a Credit or Debit Card

If you want to sell things on Amazon FBA, you’ll have to pay fees to use their site. One of the fees is a subscription to a Pro Merchant account. You also have to pay a “fulfillment” fee and a set “pick-and-pack” fee.

You should have a credit or debit card with you so that you can pay these fees and avoid any problems that might come up if you don’t have one. You shouldn’t use prepaid bank cards or Payoneer cards.

Plan How You Will Handle Your Cash Flow

Not many people talk about this, but it’s essential. Before listing any things for sale on Amazon, you should carefully consider how you will pay for them. Why? 

After your first two weeks of sales, Amazon holds on to any money you make. So, if you are privately labeling and selling a lot of items in the first few weeks, you will need to buy more to keep up with demand.

You could also just use a credit card, which is the second choice! Managing cash flow this way is likely the simplest. You can easily pay off the credit card once the two weeks are up and Amazon returns your money.

Getting a credit card won’t be easy if your credit score isn’t good enough, which makes sense. This sounds like you—use a debit card and work hard to improve your credit score at the same time.

Surrounding Yourself with Like-Minded Individuals

Another crucial aspect of maintaining the right mindset is surrounding oneself with successful and supportive individuals who understand the Amazon selling landscape. This can be achieved by joining online communities, attending Amazon conferences, or participating in mastermind groups focused on Amazon selling. 

These connections provide not only emotional support but also valuable insights and strategies for overcoming common obstacles.

For instance, John, a new Amazon seller, initially struggled with the complexities of product sourcing and pricing strategies. By joining an online forum for Amazon sellers, he connected with experienced entrepreneurs who shared their knowledge and provided guidance. 

This network of support helped John navigate the learning curve more efficiently and avoid common pitfalls that might have otherwise derailed his progress.

Check if the Category You Want to Sell in is Restricted

It’s easy to sell things in some categories, like Home & Gardening. But you have to fill out an application and wait for approval before you can sell things in other categories.

Different types of papers and information are needed for each step of the process to be able to sell in a restricted category.

If you want to know more about Amazon’s “restricted categories,” watch this video. It shows you how to sell in those categories.


Set Aside Time Every Week to Grow Your Business

Since this will soon be your full-time job, you should put a lot of effort into developing your business. You can keep track of sales, answer customer emails, and keep growing your business if you set aside time during the week to work on it.

There will be times when you don’t want to do it, like when you’re really tired after work. To get around this, it’s easy: just get up an hour earlier and use that time to run your business.

Keep doing the same things over and over, or your business will just stay the same. For business growth, it’s better to work on it for an hour every day than for a whole week every two months.

All great Amazon sellers have had to grow their businesses while working full-time. It’s not easy, but everyone has done it at some point. There are good things that come after hard work.

Read More: How To Select the Best Amazon Shipping Option for Your Product?

Bottom Line

As sellers progress in their Amazon journey, they may find that their mindset shifts from simply trying to prove others wrong to genuinely embracing the entrepreneurial lifestyle. This evolution often leads to a deeper appreciation for the freedom and flexibility that comes with running an online business. 

Sellers might discover that they can work from anywhere in the world, set their schedules, and scale their operations in ways that traditional employment rarely allows.

Get prepared for success with AMZ One Step

Hi there! I’m the content marketing and branding specialist for AMZ One Step. I work hard to create engaging and informative content that helps our readers learn more about Amazon selling and how to make the most of their businesses. I love spending time with my family and exploring literary works when I’m not writing or working on projects.

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