5 Ways for Amazon Sellers to Succeed in 2024

You should stick to what works in some parts of your life. However, if you want to be successful at selling on Amazon in the long run, you need to keep learning and changing. 

When a new year starts, it’s a good idea to look back at how well you did on the platform the previous year and make changes to your plan to have even more success in the coming year.  We will give you five tips in this blog that will help you sell on Amazon in 2024. 

Find Out About New Products

Finding the right goods to sell is one of the hardest parts of making money on Amazon. You want them to be popular enough that you know people will want them, but not so popular that you lose sales all the time to other brands. 

You should also be able to sell them for enough above-cost that you make money after paying for shipping, storage, Amazon FBA fees, and all the other costs of running a business.

This process is already hard, and the items that meet all of these requirements will change over time based on what people want. People might not want the same thing they did six months ago, or something better might come out and replace it.

A lot of people want to know how to sell things on Amazon and make money. You need to know which goods sell well on the platform if you want to keep making money. That means you should try to study your products at least once a year.

Read More: How Attractive Product Packaging Improves Amazon FBA Reviews?

Review Your Plan (Or Make One From Scratch)

The Amazon reviews are strong. For users, they show what other people purchased and let them know if they like it before they buy it themselves.

They are useful for buyers in several ways. For starters, getting good reviews is a great way to make more sales. Your product rankings on the site can go up if you get a lot of good reviews and ratings. This can help your conversions once customers click through to your product listing.

Additionally, writing reviews give you useful information about the product. You’ll know exactly what customers like and don’t like about your products if you read online reviews. That information can help you make your products better and create listing descriptions that better show what customers like about a product.

But that all depends on getting reviews in the first place and then making an effort to read them and apply what you learn. Strong review strategies are needed for that.

Consider the best way to get customers to leave reviews while still following Amazon’s strict review rules. Establish a routine to review the reviews you receive and use what you discover.

Read More: Leveraging Amazon & Early Reviewer Program for New Product Launches

Make Your Marketing Effective

Selling on Amazon successfully means selling good items that people want. Although your goods may be excellent, nobody will buy them unless they can:

  • Get them from Amazon’s search results.
  • Gather enough details to be sure that the product meets their needs or desires.
  • Marketing smartly is needed to do both of these things.
  • Make sure your Amazon product description is correct first.
  • Give detailed information about your product and put the most important benefits near the top of the page.

Good promotion is needed to do both of these things. First, take the time to edit the description for your Amazon item. It’s best to put the most important benefits of your product near the top of the page and give enough information about it.

Help people understand why your product is so important by spending money on copywriting and product photography that shows what the product looks like. You could give buyers a better idea of what to expect by adding one or two videos to your product’s listing.

Both brand-registered and non-brand-registered sellers could watch product videos on Amazon starting in June 2023. To be eligible, the second group had to have been selling on Amazon for at least three months.

Also, you’ll need to work on making sure that people can find and see those great product listings. For a better chance of appearing on the search results page, make sure that each product page is correctly optimized for Amazon SEO. A good way to reach more people is to spend money on ads.

Read More: My Ordeal as an Amazon Seller! I was sent to Amazon Jail

Analyze Your Returns Data

Although sales information is important, don’t forget to check your return rate as well. Getting a sale isn’t worth as much if the customer later returns the item. It’s also possible for returns to show a problem with the product that you need to fix before it affects your reviews and image as an Amazon FBA seller.

Closely observe the items that customers are returning and the reasons they give for doing so. Figure out which goods you need to remove, fix the information on their listings, or redesign.

Review Your Analytics

Look at the past to come up with a better way to sell things in the future. Take a look at all of the sales information and stats you get from Amazon and any other tools you use.

Keep an eye on which of your goods sell well and which ones don’t. Compare how much each product makes in earnings to how much it costs to store and ship. Keep track of any yearly changes in how things sell. Find the return on investment (ROI) for any ads or events you run.

Analytics can tell you a lot about how your business is doing right now that you can use to make your plans for the next year better.

Expert Tips for Growth and Profit

Optimize Your Supply Chain and Logistics

For more efficient processes, think about using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). Using FBA, Amazon will ship and complete your orders, so you don’t have to worry about running a warehouse or figuring out how to store your items.

Products can be sent straight to FBA centers by your supplier, so you don’t have to do anything. Amazon Fulfillment Plus guarantees two-day delivery for buyers, which increases your chances of selling something.

It might be better to find a nearby supplier for your goods. Deliveries can be made much faster and cheaper this way.

In addition to making contact easier, having a supplier in the same time zone lets you handle problems faster and keep the supply chain running smoothly, which improves the overall efficiency of your operations.

Read More: 11 Things to Do Before You Start Selling on Amazon

Broaden Your Product Range

You might want to sell new items that fit with the personality of your store. Say you sell mostly eco-friendly items. Make sure that any new things you bring in follow this rule. Many good things can come from expanding your product line, such as:

  • Minimize your reliance on a single product. If the demand for one product drops, having other popular goods on hand can help keep your business stable.
  • Having a wider range of products lets you meet the wants of a wider range of customers and make more sales.
  • Adding more products to your line makes your brand look more professional and able to handle different situations.

With these benefits, you may get more orders and make more sales, which means more money for business growth. But it’s not enough to just add new goods; you also need to make sure that each one is worth your time and money.


Making your business more visible is one of the best things you can do. If a customer hits on one of your Amazon ads, you only pay. Setting this upright is a quick and easy way to get more people.

Choosing the right keywords is an important part of Pay-per-Click (PPC) ads. You can get more likely-to-buy customers by finding and choosing keywords that are popular right now. 

  • With the Keyword Tracker, you can keep up with trends by keeping an eye on each keyword’s performance and ranking. The Reverse ASIN Lookup tool lets you spy on the keywords your rivals use.
  • Other important things play a role in Amazon PPC. Find out more about how to make your goods more visible and sell more by reading this guide.

Introduce Variations of Existing Products

You can make your product line more varied by adding new styles, colors, patterns, and other listing variations of goods you already have. If you sell thermo cups, for instance, you could make them in different shades of the color of the year or with images that go with some holidays.

This method is useful because it lets you list new versions under a single-parent ASIN. This keeps all the reviews in one place and keeps you from having to use templates to make more listings.

Plus, it makes your selling easier. By promoting a single product, you let customers find and choose from several other choices, which raises your profile and sales potential overall.


Create Bundles

By selling related items together, you can make each sale worth more and give the customer more value by meeting more than one need at once. To make a good bundle, look for products that easily go well with each other. If you sell exercise balls, you could bundle them with stretching bands, or you could put together a set of earrings and necklaces.

When putting together a deal, make sure that all of the items are the same type and fit into the same niche. If possible, they should be from the same brand or at least share a theme, like color or how they work. 

Make sure that your return policy makes it clear how to return bundles so that there is no misunderstanding and all of your customers are happy.

The Amazon FBA business needs to keep adding new products. Long-term success and a stronger position in the market are both possible if you meet customer expectations about quality and price.

Looking Into New Markets

Reaching more customers is a good way to grow your Amazon business. You can do this by entering fresh markets. Getting more pieces from your supplier can help you get bulk discounts, which saves you money. 

This strategy works especially well for people who are selling their brand because it can raise awareness of the brand and boost its image.

Going International

You can reach more people and make more sales by selling in Amazon’s foreign markets. But it’s important to think about the details of each country when selling goods. Remember these important things:

Check To See If Your Product Fits

Make sure you can send your products internationally. For instance, some things, like booze, can only be sold within the country, and you can’t just send collectibles or jewelry to another country. You should also make sure that the product is good enough to sell in another area. 

For example, ski clothes might sell well in Northern European countries but not in the UAE because of the weather there.

Localize Your Listings

To make your ads more useful, make sure they are written in the local language. Automatic systems can sometimes make text that can’t be read, so make sure that translations sound normal.

Keep the local religion and culture in mind as well. Make sure that nobody is offended by the product details or pictures you use.

Think About Costs

Assemble efficient processes to get goods to other countries quickly, easily, and cheaply. For returns in particular, using Amazon FBA can make dealing with paperwork and customs easier. 

Include the cost of shipping, any possible border fees, or local taxes in your prices. Complete all the necessary paperwork and certificates for the goods ahead of time to avoid shipping delays.

Although this strategy can help your Amazon business and brand grow, don’t forget that you can also go after international markets and through different channels. Next, let’s talk more about this

Using More Than One Channel

You can get more customers, show up higher in search results, and be less dependent on Amazon as your only source for advertising and selling by using a variety of sales methods. A few more tips are given below:

  • For better brand recognition and to help customers learn more about your goods, create a website that is linked to your Amazon store.
  • Reach more customers by linking your Amazon business to other marketplaces.
  • By opening a temporary or permanent physical store, you can attract local customers, give them a chance to interact with your goods in real life and raise awareness of your brand.
  • Linking your Amazon FBA store to social media profiles like Instagram or TikTok will help you promote and sell your goods, bringing more people to your store and boosting sales.

Sell More On Amazon With WIDE Keywords

What does it mean to take keywords a long way? Once you have a list of possible products, you need to do more and different kinds of keyword research to make sure you can beat your rivals and rank for a lot of the new keywords you found. This will help you make sales.

A few terms (less than 150) will not help products do well, especially if there is an established seller with a lot of reviews. However, products with a lot of buzzwords have a better chance of swooping in and making a sale.

Just get the ASIN for your competitor’s goods and type it into the keyword tool. After getting a list of all the keywords that are ranking, you should put the information together to see which rivals are ranking for which keywords.

Truly, some big Amazon sellers do badly at finding relevant keywords. They have forgotten about them! Although having a lot of reviews on Amazon will help, their carelessness is the perfect chance for you.

Utilize Influencer Marketing Strategies

Customers are more likely to buy something if they know they can trust the seller, even if it’s a well-known name or something a friend told them to buy. That’s why Amazon FBA sellers should use celebrity marketing to help their sales.

Asking someone to review and promote your product to their followers who trust them and are interested in the kinds of goods they promote can help you reach potential buyers you might not have been able to reach any other way.

Connecting with influencers who have a connection to your product is one way to get in front of these captive crowds. Contact them personally on Facebook, Instagram, or even their blog.

For example, if you sell beauty goods, get in touch with social media influencers and makeup artists. Have them say yes to doing a show. You can ask them to spread your product to their followers if they like it.

But these types of leaders usually have set prices for doing this kind of marketing, so get ready to pay! Of course, some leaders will not charge you if you give them your product for free.

Ultimately, though, everything is up for discussion. It’s usually easiest to get a good deal on this kind of marketing by talking to leaders directly.

Create a different website to teach people about the niche of the product(s) you sell on Amazon. It’s not even necessary to have an e-commerce site. Simple WordPress sites with 2,000 to 4,000-word pages that cover niche-specific topics are one option.

Furthermore, this lets you show off your products to new customers while also giving visitors useful information.

Your website can get a lot of visitors from organic searches if you do it right. Additionally, this has two advantages: 

  • If you are a member of Amazon’s affiliate program and hyperlink your website to your Amazon ad, you will obtain a 5 to 15% commission for each item bought by a customer who followed your hyperlink. You get two chances if it’s your good!
  • Sharing your Amazon listing on your website brings in new customers (external traffic), which generally means more sales.

Bottom Line

Selling on Amazon can be hard at times. There are, however, big benefits for sellers who do it right. Spend some time this month thinking about what you can learn from the work you’ve already done and how you can use that knowledge to improve your next steps.

This year, you can learn how to sell on Amazon successfully, make more money, and make your business better by being smart and planning about how you do it.

Hi there! I’m the content marketing and branding specialist for AMZ One Step. I work hard to create engaging and informative content that helps our readers learn more about Amazon selling and how to make the most of their businesses. I love spending time with my family and exploring literary works when I’m not writing or working on projects.

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