Behind the Scenes of AMZ ONE STEP STUDIOS

An Insight into the Product Photography Secrets of AMZ One Step Studios 

Executive Summary

Behind the Scenes of AMZ ONE STEP STUDIOS
1. How We Create Top-Quality Product Videos & Images: Refined work process, multi-purpose workspace, experienced professionals, and synergized team.
2. Why Are We Revealing the Secret Sauce?: We want others to learn about our work process, as it helps to build client trust.

High-quality listing images and product videos don’t just appear out of the blue. There is significant hard work and planning behind each
Amazon product photography session. We give you a sneak peek into our work process to let you see the effort that goes into each project. We go the extra mile for our clients and ensure they get the best images possible. Our workspace, experienced team members, and high-quality gear are all instrumental in creating top-quality product videos and photos. Read and learn more about how we approach each project. You’ll see the time we spent in the studio reflects the high-quality output. Execution, planning, and improvisation are all visible in these behind-the-scenes.

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How We Create Top-Quality Product Videos & Images

In this behind-the-scenes, we’ll tell you some of our secrets for successful product photography services and videography. Let us dive deep into our work process.

Our Work Process

Planning is the first step of photography and videography. It defines the rest of the process and the result. Even the best execution of the worst plan will lead to poor-quality images. Hence, we ensure that our image plan considers every variable. Our creative director, image planners, and video script writers envision the entire session. They create a detailed plan for the photographers, models, designers, and videographers. In-depth directions and instructions are forwarded to the client, and we only begin the photography session once the client approves the image plan. Therefore, we involve the client in the entire process. It helps us to incorporate their feedback in every stage of the work process.

These are some tidbits of our image and video plan, but the entire image plans are more complex and constantly change per the client feedback. Adjustability and improvisation are necessary to satisfy clients. We change the image and video plans until the client is satisfied. It serves another purpose as clients can get a future look into the product images they will receive. When you hire our Amazon product photography services, we provide you with extensive image plans.

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Functional & Multi-Purpose Workspace

Studio space versatility sets average studios apart from outstanding ones. We have a workspace that can be used for any product. Amazon product photography services depend heavily on the background and real-life settings. Our workspace is adjustable, which allows us to create customized photography settings in a short time. 

We change the studio settings to suit your product. It elevates the image quality and helps our models to demonstrate the product in the best light. We might change our studio settings multiple times a day for different niche products. Hence, our Amazon product photography can capture any product in a real-life setting.

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High-Quality Gear

Our videographers and photographers are experts in using high-quality gear. Over the years, we have bought different cameras and equipment to improve the photography quality. However, we don’t just purchase expensive gear without any purpose. Every piece of gear has repaid its price, and we consult our team before every photoshoot to ensure they have the required equipment. 

Professional and innovative personnel are necessary for operating high-quality gear. We provide the best equipment to our team because we trust our team’s skill sets, as they have delivered top-quality images in the past. You can see how we utilize our high-quality gear in the GIFs below. Every shot captures the products in the best light, and the post-production editing elevates the level of the visual content. Therefore, high-quality gear always leads to better image quality and conversions.
Increase fba sales with our professional staff!

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The People Behind the Camera

Assembling the perfect team is the most complex task for any studio. We have painstakingly found the best people for our pre and post-production work activities. It is a process that took years and could not be overlooked. Most studios employ a random assortment of employees without any synergy, but we have gathered like-minded, creative individuals in the same team. Scriptwriters, image planners, models, photographers, designers, and videographers are the key to our successful photoshoot sessions. We could not have served our clients without the people behind the camera. 

How did we come up with our team? Well, it takes several projects to judge the mindset and synergy of a group of individuals. We value teamwork over individual skill, and behind the scenes, snippets show how well our team works together. Everyone knows what to do, and they have an unspoken understanding. No one can assemble such a team overnight.

Outdoor Photography Sessions

We offer outdoor photography sessions as well as indoor photography. Outdoor photo shoots are harder to control and require more effort. Location selection, natural lighting, and model appearance must be on point. Otherwise, we struggle to capture the best images. These sessions also require more planning. Without perfect execution, we cannot get top-quality photos. Below you can see a snippet of an outdoor shoot. Many other product photography services produce poor results when capturing outdoor images. 

What Makes Us Different?

Our professionals, gear, workspace, and innovation sets us apart from most other studios. Combining all the best elements of photography is the reason for our continued success in the Amazon world. We provide the best value for money, as we do not waste a single penny on needless expenses. Every action has a purpose, and each team member adds value to the project. It results in high-quality content, graphics, and better conversions. Purposeful activities are the reason we can serve our clients in a short time. If you are looking to increase FBA sales, there are no better options.

Another unique aspect of our photography sessions is that we incorporate client feedback at every stage. Therefore, a customer-centric approach helps us to satisfy our clients. We change everything in our studio and set it per the client’s feedback. It shows that our photoshoot sessions are dynamic.

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Why Are We Revealing the Secret Sauce?

We want to show you what we do to get the best images for your brand. There are still many practices that are included in these behind-the-scenes. However, the secret sauce is not the same for every studio. Someone with a different work process might achieve better results. The point of these behind-the-scenes is to tell you a little about our work process. Now, you can see how much work goes into each photo shoot. 


An Amazon photography session is much different than conventional photography. E-commerce images require extra finishing and care. Studios also have to change the entire set to meet the product requirements. Our work process, team, workspace, and gear help us to create high-quality content. More importantly, client satisfaction comes before anything. Therefore, we change our set multiple times to get the best possible result for our clients. 

Hi there! I’m the content marketing and branding specialist for AMZ One Step. I work hard to create engaging and informative content that helps our readers learn more about Amazon selling and how to make the most of their businesses. I love spending time with my family and exploring literary works when I’m not writing or working on projects.

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