Categories: Case Study

How an Optimized Main Image Design Led to a 3x Revenue Surge on Amazon


In this case study, we aimed to analyze the impact of different main image designs on Amazon sales and conversions. We conducted A/B testing, comparing Version A and Version B of the main image. Version A featured a clear, nice, and sleek design, highlighting the proper nozzle and a small leaf on the packaging. On the other hand, Version B included a leaf as a prop, covering the nozzle and potentially diverting attention from essential features.


The primary objective of this A/B test was to determine which version of the main image (Version A or Version B) resulted in higher sales and conversions on Amazon. The test aimed to provide insights into the significance of visual elements and their influence on customer behavior.


We hypothesized that Version A, with its clean and focused design, would outperform Version B in terms of sales and conversions. We expected that the cluttered and distracting nature of Version B might negatively impact customer engagement and interest.


  1. Sample and Data Collection: We randomly divided our target audience into two groups: Group A, which viewed Version A and Group B, which viewed Version B. We collected data on the number of sales and conversions generated by each group during a specified testing period.


  2. Experimental Design: We ensured that the groups were similar in terms of demographics, interests, and other relevant factors to minimize confounding variables. The only difference between the groups was the main image design they were exposed to.


  3. Metrics: The primary metrics used to evaluate the performance of each version were sales and conversions. These metrics provide direct insights into the effectiveness of the main image design in driving customer engagement and purchase intent.


Upon analyzing the data collected from both groups, the results revealed that Version A performed significantly better than Version B with a 99% probability. The following key findings were observed:

a) Sales: Group A (Version A) generated a significantly higher sales volume compared to Group B (Version B). This indicates that the clean and sleek design of Version A, which prominently displayed the nozzle and a small leaf, attracted more customer interest and led to increased sales.

b) Conversions: Group A (Version A) exhibited a higher conversion rate compared to Group B (Version B). This suggests that the clarity and focus of Version A‘s design enabled customers to make purchase decisions more effectively, resulting in a higher conversion rate.



The results of this A/B test strongly support the hypothesis that Version A of the main image design performs better than Version B in terms of sales and conversions. The clean and sleek design of Version A, with a clear display of the nozzle and a small leaf, attracted more attention from potential customers, leading to increased purchase intent and higher conversion rates.

Version B, with the distracting leaf prop and covered nozzle, failed to capture customers’ attention effectively. The cluttered design likely diminished the impact of important features, leading to reduced sales and conversions.


Based on the results of this A/B test, it is recommended to use Version A as the main image design on Amazon. The sleek and focused design, emphasizing the proper nozzle and a small leaf, proved to be more appealing to customers, resulting in higher sales and conversion rates. Implementing Version A can enhance the visual appeal of the product and drive improved performance on the Amazon platform.

Unlock Your Sales Potential: Consult with Our Experts to Enhance Your Main Image Strategy on Amazon



Hi there! I’m the content marketing and branding specialist for AMZ One Step. I work hard to create engaging and informative content that helps our readers learn more about Amazon selling and how to make the most of their businesses. I love spending time with my family and exploring literary works when I’m not writing or working on projects.

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