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Frequently Asked Questions On Optimizing Your Amazon Listing Images

Retailers who aim to maximize online sales sometimes lack product photography resources. This is where third-party sellers can help. Amazon sellers have in-house photographers who are trained professionals who know how to picture things for optimum sales.

 These services are outsourced, saving firms time and money by eliminating the need to update product pages or take fresh images.

How to Take Product Photos for Amazon FBA at Home?

Get Yourself A Good Camera

There needs to be at least one megapixel of clarity in the picture your camera takes. This way, you meet Amazon’s image minimum size standard of 1,000 pixels by 500 pixels.

These days, almost any smartphone can overcome this challenge. As an example, the 12-megapixel resolution is seen on the Samsung Galaxy s9, which was released in 2018. The cameras on newer phones are even better. 

Nowadays, a DSLR camera is the best. If your primary camera is more outdated than your phone, though, you must confirm that it has more megapixels.

If you’re in a bind, borrow a camera—be it a friend’s phone or a professional DSLR. A hefty budget isn’t necessary to accomplish the task at hand.

Make Sure You Have The Final Output

Most likely, your product provider has provided you with a prototype. It’s fantastic. But before you sell it, make sure it’s in the product’s final shape. If you’d want Amazon FBA to handle order fulfillment, it’s a good idea to arrange for the initial shipment to arrive at your home or 3PL facility first.

 Alternatively, you might have some of your stock sent straight to Amazon and have some ordered for yourself.

Take Your Product Photos

If you want to take good pictures, follow these tips. For instance, make sure that your camera is out. Do not zoom in; instead, move closer to the item.

Don’t Use A Flash

You should take more pictures than you think you will need. Get some gorgeous pals and snap some lifestyle shots of them with the product. Buyers may visualize the product’s size and the quality of the product’s experience using these kinds of images. 

Find a model with a nice set of teeth and photograph them using your toothbrush to promote your product. When taking pictures of actual people using a product, it’s best to use backgrounds that are mostly white.

Hire models if you don’t know anyone who is physically beautiful. Beautiful people are a great asset in the product sales force. It can be worth considering product videography with Amazon product photography. 

What Tools Do Amazon Product Photographers Need?

Use A Tripod

If your camera isn’t steady, your shot will be fuzzy no matter how cool it looks. One alternative is to use a tripod, which is essentially a three-legged support that secures your camera in motion during Amazon product photography. 

Using a tripod is necessary when shooting at low ISO, a common camera option that minimizes graininess; if you’d rather not get technical, proceed to the next paragraph. However, since a low ISO requires a slow shutter speed, it also produces greater blur. 

The use of a tripod helps photographers minimize blurring and graininess while shooting at low ISO settings. Digital product photography isn’t the same as the kind you’d see in a movie. Big cameras and a crew aren’t necessary to get great photos. 

You can shoot with just a tripod, your smartphone or DSLR, and some goods! Adding lighting and a white backdrop can make your photographs pop even more.

A Few Tips On Angles, Frames, And Lines

Get creative and try different perspectives to show off the product in the best light. Try a few different approaches; you can always go back and tweak the ones you saved to see which ones work best.

You can always crop the photo afterward, but for now, just make sure it fits perfectly inside the frame. With more space surrounding the product, you’ll have more editing room.

In photography, lines are crucial. To avoid distractingly angled vertical or horizontal lines caused by the product, be careful with how you frame and place your photo. The majority of the product shots in my example were shot diagonally. 

Keep in mind that Amazon photos are square, so make sure your primary listing images fill 85% of that square. Centre the product in the frame for a precise square chop. Instead of cropping after the fact, it could be easier to capture the image as a square from the start.

Use All The Available Image Space

Utilize all the available space for images on Amazon. A complete set of seven varied photos should be uploaded. Make use of the photographs themselves to provide potential purchasers with as much information as possible.

  • Take advantage of all angles to showcase your product.
  • Show the consumer how the product will look on them by employing models.
  • Picture your product in action, whether that’s on a hob or in a kitchen, in an environment that complements its intended usage.
  • Experiment with different stylish backdrops in your supplementary photographs to increase visual appeal.

What Are Prohibited Specifications For MAIN Listing Images?

  • Pictures where the backdrop color is not pure white (RGB value less than 255)
  • Various product visuals superimposed on or behind an object, including text, logos, borders, color blocks, and watermarks
  • Shots of the same item repeatedly
  • Photos displaying a portion of the items on offer except for necklaces and other pieces of jewelry that are chopped by the edge of the frame
  • Excessive propping, whether from the inside or outside, that encircles or covers the product for sale or leads to consumer confusion
  • All models must be standing; none may be seated, kneeling, leaning, or lying down.
  • Pictures of products on labels, packaging, or swing tags
  • Display cases, excluding footwear
  • Photos of children’s and infants’ undergarments, swimsuits, and leotards
  • Avoid the temptation to do what your competitors do and illegally enhance your main listing image just because you see them doing it.

Do your best to follow Amazon’s guidelines at all times to avoid the excruciating pain of having your listing reinstated. Make sure to keep the custom backdrops, text, and logos for your future photos! 

What Are Some Tips To Do Product Photography?

To have their products listed on Amazon, many sellers don’t know what their camera is capable of taking. To stand out in today’s competitive industry, we recommend that you invest in expert Amazon product photography and graphic design services to enhance your Amazon product photos. 

Call the experts unless you’re well-versed in photography and own an excellent camera. Stop slacking off when it comes to photography; you’ve already invested so much in this venture. 

In light of the foregoing, it should come as no surprise that high-quality photography and product photos are crucial to the success of your Amazon items.

What Are Must-Haves For The Best Amazon Product Photography?

Create A “Scroll-Stopping” Main Image

The first thing buyers will see when they navigate through Amazon’s search results page is your main image. You might not be getting the clicks you deserve if your primary image is boring or doesn’t stand out from the rest of the results. 

Ensure that the image is vivid, eye-catching, of good quality, and presents your goods in an attractive light. Evaluate the primary pictures used by your competitors to identify areas for improvement and ways to enhance your own. Be sure to follow Amazon’s product image guidelines while selecting your main image. 

Add Infographics

The only requirement is that the primary image is on a white background; the remaining six photographs can have whatever backgrounds you like, including text and graphics. Product infographics are an excellent approach to tell prospective buyers about your product and make your brand stand out.

You may highlight your product’s characteristics and benefits right on the image using an infographic. Viewing your photographs will provide all the information a buyer needs, rather than reading your description or bullet points.

To spice up your listing images, use colorful backgrounds and interesting text instead of merely adding another angle on a white background. Using this strategy, you may significantly boost product sales.

Comparison Charts

With so many products selling on Amazon FBA, it’s important to make yours stand out from the rest and show buyers how it’s superior to the competition. 

One way to differentiate your product from the competition is to use a comparison table to highlight its unique selling points. Communicate your product’s superiority over competing offerings in an approachable way if you’ve worked hard to perfect it. 

Avoid mentioning any one brand by instead including pictures of competing products and a list of desirable qualities. 

Complete Packaging

You won’t see this too often among Amazon sellers. Of course, these pictures will only be used if you’re providing an additional service. Doing so will help you persuade your consumers that they are getting more for their money. 

If you view the photo attentively, you’ll see that they did a great job presenting the package, which adds class even against the white backdrop. An effective use of full-image packaging photos can significantly boost your conversion rate (CR).

Before And After Images

Listing images showing a “before” and “after” situation are commonplace in the online retail sector. You won’t believe how effectively they convert on Amazon.

The fitness industry is a major user of the “before” and “after” pictures used in marketing. The popularity of these visuals is due in large part to a certain psychological principle.

If you were to ask any salesman what his favorite marketing tactic is, they would likely say convincing a consumer that the product will solve their problem is the best method to convince them to buy it right now.

Plus, using before and after photos gives you more agency in the narrative. This product will help the viewer solve this problem, it says so right. Using this excellent trigger has been highly successful for marketers in the past and continues to be so now.

Buying all these stylish things can be overwhelming, and that’s on purpose. So you’re worried about how it will seem to you? Assuming the store employs this method, you should be able to make a good choice.

What Are Some Examples Of Amazon Product Photos?

Nest Thermostat

What they did right: 

  • They put goods on white backgrounds and included pictures of everyday life.
  • These are a few different views of the Nest Thermostat’s screen.
  • Showed the Nest Thermostat app that can be used to do things.

Furbo Dog Camera

  • It had an infographic that told you everything you need to know about the benefits of the product.
  • Showed an app that can send you real-time alerts when your dog barks.
  • They showed you how to use the app on your phone and how it works.

What Are Common Amazon Product Photography Mistakes To Avoid?

Blurry Focus

Amazon product photography isn’t complete without sharpness and clarity. When trying to make a favorable impression, the pictures you select are rather crucial. 

To capture a product while increasing its features for a sharp, clear, professional image, it is necessary to use suitable lighting and balance. Distracting, low-quality photos won’t do your company or its goods justice.

Little Or No Variety

Customers who shop online prefer to see many perspectives on what you sell. Why? Because consumers prefer to see the physical product before making a purchase. Thanks to this, they can observe crucial product attributes including material, design, and feel. For that reason, you should take pictures from all over. 

Paying meticulous attention to detail allows your online customers to examine your products up close and personalize your service to their needs. Also, it leaves no room for disappointment.

What Is The Process For Listing Image Editing?

Color Correction

Many customers may return your product if it doesn’t match the description on Amazon. Such an issue arises when capturing images of products in extremely bright or dim lighting.

This could be because the listing images have inconsistent lighting or look bad. Dark or otherwise unnatural-looking product photographs will never be allowed to be featured on Amazon (and even if they are, Amazon may remove them later). You should base your product photo on a realistic color scheme, according to Amazon.

Photo color restoration allows you to restore the product’s original color and make it seem better. You can enhance the picture’s color accuracy by adjusting the settings in Photoshop and Lightroom. Lightroom is the most user-friendly option for adjusting picture colors.

To adjust the color of the image in Lightroom, you can use the sliders for brightness, aperture, and tint. Avoid looking weird in the product shot by not going overboard. Photoshop also allows you to change the hue and saturation to restore the product’s original color.

Removing Discolorations

You have achieved the desired color tone. To further improve and attract attention to the product images, it is now time to eliminate any additional visible flaws.

A multitude of tools are available in Photoshop to remove imperfections and dust from images. You can eliminate imperfections with the healing brush, the path tool, or the spot healing brush. However, if you ask me, the clone tools are the way to go for accurately removing those pesky elements from a product photo.

The product photo needs to occupy 85% of the frame to be in line with Amazon’s guidelines. It requires capturing a close-up shot of the product. Cropping the product image will suffice if you are unable to accomplish that.

  • Select Image > Image Size after you’ve opened the image file in Photoshop. The option to change the width and height of the picture is available in the dialogue box that pops up.
  • To illustrate the point, Amazon suggests using a square photo of at least 1000 pixels in size. Therefore, you have the option to set the height and width to 1000×1000 pixels.  Then click, OK.

What Editing Software Is Recommended For Amazon Product Photography?

Various image editing tools are available for post-processing Amazon product pictures. The versatility and power of Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom make them popular. Advanced image manipulation users will love Photoshop’s precise editing, retouching, and compositing tools.

 Photographers managing big amounts of product pictures may prefer Lightroom, which streamlines productivity and offers extensive color correction, exposure adjustment, and batch processing options. These programs provide non-destructive editing, so you can explore without changing the image files. 

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Programme), a free and open-source Photoshop competitor, and Capture One, a premier raw processor, are also available. 

Your needs, money, and expertise determine the ideal editor for Amazon product photo post-processing. To attract Amazon customers and boost sales, use a tool that fits your workflow and enhances product photos.

Should I Include Packaging In My Amazon Product Photos?

Including packaging in Amazon product photographs isn’t always essential or suggested. If the packaging is a selling factor, such as for gift goods or products with unusual packaging designs, it can prepare clients for what they will receive. 

It also sets expectations for product size, shape, and presentation upon delivery. Although generic packaging may not offer value to the customer’s understanding of the goods, focusing on the product itself may be more beneficial. 

When taking shots, avoid product packaging that detracts from the product’s appearance. If packaging improves the customer’s comprehension and impression of the product and fits your branding and marketing strategy, add it to Amazon product images.

Are 360-Degree Photos Allowed For Amazon Product Listings?

Sure, you can add 360-degree photos to your Amazon product listings. They make a difference in how buyers purchase. Customers may get a better feel for a product’s shape, size, and features with 360-degree photos because they can spin and look at them from any angle. 

Customers are more likely to buy and have faith in the product after going through this immersive experience, which in turn increases conversions and decreases returns. 

A 360-degree camera or software capable of stitching together many images captured from various angles is usually required to generate 360-degree pictures. Your Amazon product listing can be enhanced with 360-degree shots just like any other image. 

This will provide customers with a more interesting and informative view of your goods. Make sure your 360-degree photos are the right size, format, and content to avoid any issues with your Amazon listings. 

Using 360-degree photographs can make your products stand out better on Amazon while improving the buying experience for customers.

How Can We Optimize Amazon Product Photos For SEO?

Add Viewing Options

One of the main reasons people shop in person is to have a feel for the product before making a purchase. For the most part, this includes physically handling the item and looking at it from all sides. Although customers can’t physically purchase products on Amazon, they still prefer to have multiple viewing alternatives.  

People won’t learn much from a single product image, particularly if it shows the item packaged. People want to know the contents of a box so they can make an educated purchase decision. Provide a variety of images to satisfy browsers. 

Customers may be concerned about the size of your products, so it’s a good idea to show them from several perspectives and provide a sense of scale. Display the item with other products if it is part of a package. 

Making the purchasing process more interactive is always a plus. Zooming in on larger product photos is already an option on Amazon. To give clients a better look at the products, why not include a zoomable picture? Customers are more likely to buy from you if you provide them with as much information as possible.

Focus on Format

We’re guessing you’ve gone all out to hire a professional product photographer. However, at this point, your photo must be visually appealing. If you want your photographs to be seen on the internet, the file format is crucial.

 Selecting the appropriate format is key to maximizing an image’s potential. In contrast, bigger file sizes are a drawback of higher-quality file formats. 

It is important to prioritize quality when it comes to the photographs you use for Amazon products. As a result, a PNG image is likely the best option. Being a vector image, it retains all of its quality even after compression. Keep calm; a PNG isn’t an option even though it sounds like a good one.

When it comes to image file types, the only ones Amazon supports are JPEG and TIFF. Let’s explore each style:


One of the most popular file formats used on the internet is JPEG. While JPEG files are space-efficient, this choice isn’t without its drawbacks. 

Due to the use of lossy compression, JPEG images do suffer a little degradation in quality when saved. To customize the quality of a JPEG picture, you can use these programs. Choose a higher quality if you choose this option.


 To top it all off, TIFF photos offer significantly better quality. Additionally, this file format allows you to save numerous photos in a single file. Take caution, though. Compared to JPEGs, TIFF files are larger.

Use ALT Text

In the e-commerce world, you might encounter the word “alt text” often. A growing number of companies are taking advantage of this function to increase the internet accessibility of their products. 

“Alt text” refers to image descriptions. The user can pick the picture and hear the story told by their screen reader if they are blind or visually challenged.

About 2. 2 billion individuals on Earth are visually impaired. For what reason should you forbid these customers from trying out your wares? Thankfully, you can now choose to have alt text included in all of your photographs on Amazon. 

Be careful with the alternative text you write. Lack of consistency and length in the description will serve no purpose. On the other hand, you should aim to be direct and brief.

 For those who have trouble typing, the speech-to-text functionality made available by the CTF loader on Windows 10 and Windows 11 systems can greatly facilitate the creation of alt text, as it speeds up the process.

Always Edit

It’s not always sufficient to just snap a photo and immediately post it online. Incorporating some finishing touches is a smart move. To do this, you may need to enhance the contrast or saturation of your product photos. 

Ask yourself, “Would this appeal to a customer?.” before you post a product photograph. If “no,” then how can we improve the image such that it attracts more viewers?

Always stick to the same formula while presenting your goods. As a result, your catalog will appear more polished and consistent. A lot of trial and error may be required to produce the optimal formula. Trying out different picture formats will help you discover the one that works best for you. 

Put an engagement platform to the test by sending out a survey to your consumers and looking for their feedback.

True, there will be times when you need to make changes to conform to Amazon’s standards. To illustrate your product’s value, you should remove any distractions, such as other objects on the desk, such as a busy workspace.

Keep in mind that you should only modify if you have prior expertise in the field of graphic design. If not, your pictures will appear unprofessional. The assistance of an expert is usually preferable.

Does Amazon Allow A/B Testing Product Photos?

Unfortunately, not every seller will have access to A/B testers. If you want to manage and control the content, you need to own the brand. This means that only vendors listed on the Brand Registry will be involved in these tests. 

Logging in will get you access to a plethora of services that will allow you to manage your listings, improve your content, and conduct A/B tests.

“Your brand’s products must meet minimum traffic requirements to run experiments that have statistically meaningful conclusions.” The notice appears when certain sellers try to use the tool. None of your items currently satisfy that requirement. 

It is unclear at this time what that traffic threshold is as Amazon has not disclosed it. Much as with every Amazon-related matter, this one is likely to be category, product, and business-specific. 

Can I Utilize Amazon Product Images Without An Affiliate Account?

If you are agreeing to their terms of service, Amazon usually doesn’t mind if you use their images on your site. Just so we’re clear, you can’t go ahead and download Amazon images. You need to be using either the API or Sitestripe and be an enrolled Amazon Associate.

The images can’t just be copied and pasted onto your site either. You need to use either the Amazon API or SiteStripe and be an enrolled Amazon Associate to use Amazon’s images.

You will only get paid when you make a sale since Amazon Associates isn’t a reward for every click kind of affiliate program. In most cases, the fee will vary according to the product your customers buy.

Should We Include A QR Code In My Amazon Product Photos?

The strategic decision to include a QR code in your Amazon product pictures should be based on your aims and the product’s type. Among QR codes’ many uses are providing access to additional product information, advertising sales or promotions, and easing the process of reordering.

Adding a QR code to a product offering gives a chance to give buyers easy access to extra information like reviews, instructional videos, or more deep specifications that would not fit into the primary item. 

It can improve the purchasing experience as a whole and win over customers who value honesty and detailed information. With QR codes, you can easily direct clients to reorder pages or subscription choices, which can increase the chance that they will buy from you again


Images should not be your only priority; other factors should also be taken into consideration. Everything in the product description is crucial. Put some thought into developing a description that will both startle and teach your readers. 

Create professional-grade product photos to display on Amazon. From kitchen products to jewelry, here are some FAQs for your listing images.
Improve your Amazon product listing with the proper images with AMZ One Step.

Hi there! I’m the content marketing and branding specialist for AMZ One Step. I work hard to create engaging and informative content that helps our readers learn more about Amazon selling and how to make the most of their businesses. I love spending time with my family and exploring literary works when I’m not writing or working on projects.

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