Amazon Seller Services

Has Amazon Blocked Your Account? Here Is What You Should And Shouldn’t Do

If you are an Amazon seller and looking for a genuine solution to reinstate your blocked Amazon account, then you are at the right place.

I am going to share a lot of useful information regarding the reasons which provoke Amazon to block your account and the steps you should take, to reinstate your account.

Amazon Product Photography Services

Has Amazon blocked your account?

There could be a number of reasons that can lead any seller account to a loss-promising suspension. Any mishandling, whether intentional or unintentional can invoke Amazon to block your account. Before discussing how to overcome the problem, let’s discuss some of the common reasons that can lead any account to the state of suspension.

Reasons for account suspension:

The Platform of Amazon is a transparent and fair place for sellers and customers. Sellers have to work themselves to impress and attract buyers while providing them with the quality they need to stand out from the rest. 

Sometimes, sellers run out of their selling strategies and make many mistakes in doing their job. When a seller account sums up different reasons, Amazon warns the account owner that leads to account suspension or being blocked.

There are certain situations and some of them are as follows:

Compromising Product Quality:

  • When a seller comprises the product quality and provides any product that is not fulfilling the buyer’s expectations or the product is expired, fake or artificial instead of the original. In some cases, products may be defected, defaulted, non-functional, or having any issue that affects the product functionality can lead to the suspension on the report and pending review of the customer.
  • Other problems are related to the delivery of the product, late or fraud suspected by the buyer that is reported may cause the warning and account blocking.
  • If a product is constantly receiving negative reviews and maintains poor ratings can also a reason for getting a seller account on the verge of suspension.
  • That is why product quality is always a high priority for the seller that can result in a seller’s account grow and expand the business more rapidly.

Bad services by a seller account

  • If, in any case, the seller is not able to provide the proper services to the buyers and unable to respond to emails and text messages (queries that can result in reversing the chances of negative response and feedback from the customers). Negative feedbacks are the main reason in account suspensions.
  • Sometimes buyers are quite selective and demanding, it unintentionally messes up the order discussions, resulting in argumentative exchange. This indicates the order defect rate. If it occurs frequently to any seller account, Amazon will likely put a warning on the account and can also fold it in under the pending review category.
  • The best thing a seller should promote is a healthy conversation with the buyer and try to make it less argumentative and clear any queries, as soon as possible.

Delivery Problems:

  • You are on the platform of Amazon, you have to follow the rules and regulations of Amazon regarding Product delivery. Amazon wants sellers to deliver their products to the customers in a minimum of two and a maximum of three working days.
  • If a seller does not comply with this delivery duration and takes the delivery time more than three days, Amazon will consider it as a delayed or late order. Amazon does not bear late deliveries more than the rate of four percent. After repeating late deliveries or failure to abide by the Amazon rules of delivery, the seller will be warned. Several warnings leads may lead to the account suspension.
  • Aside from late deliveries, Wrong deliveries are also a huge problem; in the case of entering an incorrect tracking code can mistakenly lead to the wrong delivery address, wrong deliveries result in negative responses and reviews from the buyers, customers are highly liable to put any seller account on the risk of suspension.

Bad Commercial Carriers:

  • If buyers register the complaints against the exceeded duration, the seller account receives a warning of being reviewed or blocked.

Non- Professional behaviors:

  • Marketing is the game of good approaches and strategies but many people just do it by using false statements and wrong information in their Amazon listings just to attract buyers. Amazon warns the sellers if they are just using the smooth tongue to get the ratings and reviews. Fraud is not tolerated.
  • Any false information about your product falls into the category of non-professional behavior.  False Information includes wrong pricing, similar titles, and description, fallacious information, any information that does not belong to your product.
  • This behavior can put an audit on your seller account or ban your account.
  • Another non-professional behavior that can put your account at risk is to put the same product on your seller account that is already present on Amazon. Always make sure before uploading any product that there should be no duplicate of the product present on Amazon.
  • For this purpose use unique UPC or title of the Product and have a satisfactory inquiry about the ASIN code.

Absence of Required Certification:

Many products require a proper certificate when placed on an online selling place. Like medicines or medical instruments, some machinery, chemicals, any protective types of equipment or toys, etc. If you lack the required certification of these items, it can risk your account for being banned.

Violation of rules and regulations of Amazon:

There are some rules and regulations of Amazon that every seller must follow and that is designed for a good selling and buying environment. If any seller account does not obey or follow these rules and violates the law that can make the seller suspicious and this seller account can be banned. Some of the important rules of Amazon that every seller account must care about are as follows;

  • No Selling of Forbidden items without proper certifications and licenses.
  • No selling of Fake items, Items that are not original, mimicked of original items sells leads to ban of the account.
  • No selling of the items that are not registered with you, or registered with any other brand.
  • No Promotional sales, some sellers just display their product on Amazon and guide buyers to other websites. This type of activity on detection may lead to account suspension or putting it under review.

Account Suspended / Banned or denied:

If any of the above-mentioned reasons happened to your account, your account falls in the pit of these heading, whether it is being denied, banned or suspended. 

First of all, you must have a correct acknowledgment that what these headings exactly mean and what had happened to your account.

  • Suspension of account means that your account is just cannot be operated for a while but it can be reconsidered on your appeal. You just need a different action plan to make the suspension clear.
  • Denied is the negative response of your appeal that has been rejected. The fortunate of being denied is that it can be revised with a new action plan.
  • Banned means blocking of account and is the last option. Amazon is not reading your references anymore and has just dropped you out of its platform; all of your previous appeals are rejected.

Several people get banned by Amazon on a daily basis, Account is a very major risk factor for the sellers, and it affects their sells, reputation, and income. This warning and suspension period create chaos in sellers because account reinstatement takes several weeks and sometimes months.

If anyhow your account was suspended by Amazon, do not panic in any case, Relax, before doing any aspect just beware of things you should not do immediately.

Things, you should not do after account suspension:

Reinstatement is a slow, proper channel process that demands the right and strategic steps to follow from a seller, as early as possible to lift account suspension. Some sellers make common mistakes which make the reinstatement process slower, decreasing the chances of positive responses on seller performances, rejecting the appeals, etc.

These common mistakes are discussed below that you should not do, in any case, after the suspension of the Amazon seller account. If you do, you’ll only be delaying your suspension lift.

Should not hurry to submit the appeal, Haste makes waste?

Never, ever hurry to send the appeal and place a messed up Action plan immediately, it will waste a chance of your appeals. Amazon rarely reinstates any account on the first appeal, unless the cause of the suspension is very minor. Resolving a suspension is a time taking the procedure, it takes many days and sometimes even weeks.

Many sellers respond to it immediately without careful consideration and proper procedure which does not make any difference and just results in wasting your appeal. Most sellers have to work hard and communicate effectively with the seller performance topic to resolve their suspension.

Seller performance is really a topic of interest while dealing with Amazon, it blocks many accounts on the basis of its seller performance almost daily. When you submit your appeal on your account suspension, the investigators of seller performance give it a quick look and take very few minutes to respond to your appeal.

Always take your time and prepare the best and attracting appeal before submitting it to seller performance. If your appeal is worthy of consideration, it can make a difference.

Should not open a new account, immediately:

Never, ever hurry in opening a new account on Amazon. Many sellers suppose that if their account is suspended, they should not resolve it, instead, they open a new account and start a new setup with new titles and bank account details, etc. to resolve the original issue but that is a very poor move and not a solution.

Amazon is a platform that takes care of each and everything very well. Once they found about your new account and linked it to the previously suspended account, it will become totally impossible to reinstate the new account. You cannot fool Amazon this easily.

So, working on the new account can be just time-wasting and more irritating, because after the suspension of the new account too, it will be nearly impossible to restore the original seller account. You’re then done and dusted. Pack up your bags and leave.

It will be much more useful if you concentrate on preparing a good and attractive appeal for seller performance submission.             

Should not try to fix the problem with fake invoices:

Amazon is a huge platform and it is an easy task for the investigators to identify fake invoices. Never try to fix the problem with fake or fabricated invoices, it can only worsen the problem with the addition of another violation of manipulated or forged. Always be honest with your business process and practices.

Should not contact Seller support again and again:

Seller support cannot help in account restoration. anyhow, they can give the basic and the most relevant advice regarding the account restoration process and general support to sellers.

Seller performance department is the only way that can help you once, after the suspension of the account. Seller performance department can only be contacted through emails, no contact numbers are given. Do not send frequent emails after your first appeal. It usually takes 24 hours to respond but the huge amount of appeals can longer the duration, do not panic or rush to send emails to get a response.

The last thing to remember during the communication to the seller performance department is to use a decent language and professional style. Rude behaviors and non-professional communication styles can mark your performance unsatisfied. Then, Amazon can hold your account suspension for a longer period.

Should not condemn buyers for any suspension:

Amazon is the platform that favors buyers in most of the situations and it will be more accurate to say that in all the situations. If you criticize, condemn or blame the buyers in your appeals, it will not be appreciated and can longer your account suspension. You’ve heard the saying: Customer is always right!

What you need to do, is to emphasize your business strategies and try to make a better plan of action that can attract the investigator and help you in restoring your account.

Amazon wants a seller to make their customers happy within following the laws, rules, and regulations.

Things, you should do after account suspension:

As I have discussed all the reasons that can lead your account to suspension, a seller must be aware of the specific reason for the account suspension and act accordingly to the suspension. Try not to make the mistakes that are mentioned above, because it can make the situation worse. Now, what can you do to reverse the suspension and get your account back? It is discussed below:

Carefully read the Suspension notice:

Read your suspension notice carefully and find out the reasons that caused your account suspension. When you have identified the issue, try to clear it in your appeal. 

Always take care of these basic points while making your appeal.

  • Amazon wants sellers to take responsibility and accountability for the harm you caused to the customer.
  • Amazon wants sellers to make sure of providing good customer services and feel good for working on this site.
  • Amazon wants sellers to never criticize the process of Amazon’s product quality.

Write a Successful appeal:

If you write a successful appeal, it enhances the chance of reinstating your account soon. Write an action plan that is based on the internal findings of your account.

What is a Plan of action based on?

A plan of action is a really important and crucial part of the appeal. It must be based on the detailed description and identification of the reason for the customer complaint. otherwise, the investigators will ask you about more details and it will only delay the process.

  • Make sure it in your plan that the complaint will never happen again, and how are you going to improve your services.
  • Always stay professional and focused, keep the information simple and talk about the facts, write the situation and solutions in bullets or numbers instead of writing unnecessary paragraphs. Never blame your customers, add all the details related to the issues.

How to submit the appeal?

After finalizing your appeal draft, Read it carefully to make sure that you have included all the important and professional aspects in it. 

Go to seller central then proceed to the performance notification center, find your suspension notice, click the appeal button and submit your appeal which you have prepared.

 Now you have to wait for the response from the seller performance of Amazon.

Things to keep in mind:

  • If your account has blocked, do not panic to solve the issue, if you are a responsible seller and have worked hard for it, even the most severe suspensions can be restored. So always remain calm and submit an effective appeal. It will work.
  • Try to improve some of the business strategies that can help you in boosting your business on Amazon.
  • Always consult customer care to get better guidance about the suspension issue and its solution. Sometimes sellers have to make some internal account changes like inventory, sourcing, etc. before submitting the appeal.

Over to you

Being proactive is your best strategy in this e-commerce business. Adhering to all rules and regulations and paying attention to the little details can save you a lot of time and money because we know they have a great say in what matters most: profit and loss. For some unforsaken reason, if your account does get shunned, you now know all the steps to rectify the situation at hand.

Hi there! I’m the content marketing and branding specialist for AMZ One Step. I work hard to create engaging and informative content that helps our readers learn more about Amazon selling and how to make the most of their businesses. I love spending time with my family and exploring literary works when I’m not writing or working on projects.

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