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How to Increase Amazon Listing External Traffic: 20 Tips

After using all of Amazon’s advertising options and still thinking there’s room for more growth, it might be time to look into advertising that doesn’t happen on Amazon. 

A lot of people start their search for things to buy online on Amazon (74%). This is a great number, but what about the other 26% of searches? Focusing more on traffic from outside your site could help you reach a lot more people.

This article will show you how to use different tools to get people from outside of Amazon to visit your listings. We’ll also talk about some of the best ways to get more people to buy from your ads. Let’s continue!

Optimize Your Listings With Keywords

Once you know what kind will work best for your business, read these 20 top tips for getting people from external traffic to visit your product. Once the visitors turn into buyers, Amazon likes listings that get attention from outside the store.

The Amazon page could help you get more people to see your online goods or services. Using keywords that people would search for when they’re looking for your goods will help you get more clicks.

One example of a term would be “best dog foods” or “dog treats” if you sell dog food. It’s possible to find the best keywords for your product on Amazon using a keyword tool.

You type in a few words that describe your goods. Based on those words, the tool makes a list of keywords. After that, you can see how many times each term is searched for each month.

When you see that a lot of people are looking for your product with a certain phrase, you know it’s a good fit. Keywords can be used in the title, the body, and the explanation.

Come Up With An Interesting Title

The most important part of the sales funnel is the title of an Amazon product. It’s the first thing people see when they go to your post, and it can make or break your sales.

People who come to your listing normally only read a few of the items quickly. The buyer first looks at the title, which is right above the box that says “Description.”

You might not remember what you read after a few lines. So, it would be best if you did something interesting to get their attention.

Here are some ways to achieve this goal:

  • It’s easier to read and stands out when you use bold text.
  • Include bullet points. These are short lists of things that can help people remember important things about your product.
  • Add pictures. Pictures are one of the best ways to get people’s attention. Amazon product photography also makes your offering seem more trustworthy.

Amazon Sponsored Display Ads

With Amazon Sponsored Products, you can get your product in front of people in the biggest online store in the world. You can see them above the featured items and below the other products that are supported. In the words of your product pages, you can also put your ads.

Use Email Marketing

Promoting through email has been around for a long time. It is still one of the best ways to talk to prospects and current buyers. Email marketing works so well that it attracts people to websites.

Make sure that when you email your contacts, you include links to your product pages so that people can find out more about your product.

You could also send out an email magazine every week with the best deals of the week. People will stay loyal to your business if you talk to them a lot.

Create A Video About Your Product

Over the last few years, videos have become more and more famous. YouTube, Facebook, and other sites let people watch movies.

Make videos to show potential buyers what your product does. Video ads work well to get people to buy your product because people watch them more than read articles.

You Should Write A Detailed Review

Another great way to get people interested in your product is to write reviews about it.  Writing reviews is a great way to let other people know about your experience with a product. When you want to get someone to buy your goods, reviews can help.

After they buy something, ask your customers to leave comments.  This shows your clients that you care about how they feel.

Add Images Of Your Product

Your product needs Amazon product photography to work. People will want to buy it after reading them, which will help you sell it. Then you’re not fully connecting with your customer if you don’t use pictures in your online store.

A website or blog must have pictures to be seen. If a customer wants to buy your goods, they want to see what it looks like first.

Include Links To Other Websites

A great way to get people to visit another site is to use links. Like, if you sell t-shirts, the product pages for those shirts could have links to your website. People who click on links to other pages may buy something else from your Amazon store, which helps you make more sales.

Use Social Media To Promote Your Product

With more than 1 billion people, Facebook is the largest and most popular social network in the world. You can find people who are interested in your goods or services there. People can talk to each other about your business, goods, or services on Twitter, which is another popular social media site.

Find one or two social networks that people in your target group use often and start connecting with them there. You can share information with your followers on these social media sites, which give you access to millions of people who might buy from you. 

It might be better to send people to the landing page first in those Facebook ads instead of giving them a link that goes straight to your list.

One way to get people interested in buying your goods is to use a landing page. These people might be determined to buy your goods if they keep clicking on your landing page in your Amazon listing. They wouldn’t have gone this far otherwise of course.

If you want to get more general information from your customers, you can also use the landing page to do that. Also, you can get information that Amazon won’t let you get through Seller Central and improve your email list for future use.

Make sure that your home page always asks for email addresses and gives people reasons to come back. This will help you get rid of customers who aren’t interested in buying your product. 

You can also use an email list to keep in touch with people who might be interested in new products or sales events. As your business grows, this list will often become a loop.

Only Target Relevant Listings

Target only Amazon listing images that are relevant. Besides the product itself, this may be the most important thing. You want the extra business to be as good as it can be so that more people buy from you.

So, you need to figure out who your target audience is and put ads on the listings of other businesses who are in that audience.

Keep Track Of Your Progress

Checking the outcomes of your advertising efforts is important if you want to know which ones worked and which ones didn’t.

Monitoring changes is the only way to learn. Set up conversion tracking for your ads. Soon, you’ll be able to see exactly how many clicks and dollars each effort brought in. Furthermore, you will be able to observe how many of those clicks led to sales.

Make Click-Through Rates (CTR) Higher

Make sure your headlines and details are interesting to get a higher amazon CTR. Make sure that the button at the bottom of the page that tells people what to do is clear and easy to find. Finally, make sure that your ads show up above other ads that are trying to get the same position.

Decrease Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

If you want to keep spending money on ads, you need to keep your costs low. But you don’t try to make your ads stand out more; instead, you focus on lowering the cost per sale. If your CPA goes down, you pay less per purchase.

This doesn’t mean you should lower your prices, though. Instead, you should work on getting more people to buy from you.

Use Negative Keywords

Your AdWords account needs a negative keyword, which is a search term. They can help you avoid spending money on ads that don’t relate to your search terms because the system won’t show ads that meet those terms.

You can get rid of certain words from your ads by using negative keywords. Your ads will still show up when someone looks for a certain word, but they won’t show up when that word is used. You won’t lose traffic and will save money this way.

Start A Blog

With an authority blog, you can also get useful information about your goods and customers before you sell them.

This outside source will bring in free traffic and people who are interested in browsing. Customers will trust you more if you have a blog.

For more exposure and to build your reputation, blogs are great. It’s possible to include video tutorials, customer reviews, and thorough product specifications in your blog posts.

Join The Amazon Associates Programme

With Amazon Associates, you can make money by sending people to Amazon. The programme gives you money based on the items you send to Amazon. 

You have to first sign up for the Amazon Associates Programme before you can join. Afterward, you need to make a special affiliate link that has your referral ID in it. A single URL that leads to a certain product is called a partner link. Individuals who click on your ad link will go straight to the product page.

Use these links anywhere on the web. One way to use them is to add them to your website or email greeting. You’ll get paid by Amazon if they buy something within 24 hours of clicking on your link.

Reasons to Leverage External Traffic Through an Amazon Launch Service

With this knowledge, we will look at whether Amazon Marketing Services alone are sufficient to bring people to your product ads. Amazon buyers usually choose to hire a third-party company that provides an Amazon launch service.

A small mistake could ruin an online seller’s business and cost them a lot of money. Especially if your product is fairly new, an Amazon product launch service aims to get people to know your brand and visit your offering.

While some sellers do include driving traffic from outside of Amazon in their product launch plan, others do not. Which is why? The planning and carrying out are hard and cost a lot of money. 

Sellers may be happy with the promotion tools built into the Amazon ecosystem as a result. But using Amazon’s advertising tools by themselves has some problems. Listed below are some of them:

Cutthroat Competition

According to Marketplace Pulse, there are 6.3 million Amazon sellers who have signed up for 2021. Just think about how many more were added since then, in 2023. This number shows how tough the competition is in the Amazon market.

Sellers can make Sponsored Product ads on Amazon, which show up in linked shopping results and on product pages. As an example, other Amazon sellers can put Sponsored Product ads on your page. Amazon lets its sellers compete with each other in this “healthy” way.

This means that when you get people to visit your Amazon offering, other sellers can use ads on your product pages to steal their customers.

Customization Restrictions

Additionally, Amazon Advertising has put some limits on the methods you can use to advertise on their site. Promotional messages like “Hurry while supplies last,” “Huge savings,” and “Save 50%,” for instance, are not allowed.

Their policy is that if you don’t follow it, they will remove your ad or ban you from their marketplace. There are creative ways to get people to visit your Amazon offering that don’t violate Amazon’s rules about ads.

Email Marketing is Off-Limits

Email marketing works to bring people from outside of Amazon to your offering. Maybe it’s not allowed in Amazon Advertising, though.

A mailing list lets you talk to your customers and promote your products immediately. But Amazon doesn’t let you make an email list. To be more precise, Amazon does not permit this type of behavior.

With this restriction, you might need to use marketing methods other than Amazon, like using social media and other outside traffic sources to get more people to your listing.

Built-In Contingency Plan

Getting traffic from outside your site is important for the growth of your business, even if Amazon gives you traffic from within your site. What if you broke Amazon’s rules by chance and were then banned?

With social media or the online store you made, you can still sell your goods when the market isn’t open. Short version: you have a plan B.

How Amazon Product Photography Drives External Traffic

Amazon product photography is not only necessary for getting people to buy from your Amazon ad, they can also bring in customers from other sites and increase sales. This is how attractive pictures of your products can draw people to your Amazon listings like a magnet:

Influencing Content Creators and Bloggers

Product reviews and suggestions from famous bloggers and influencers can bring in a lot of traffic from other sites.  They may include your products in their material if the photos are appealing.

Get in touch with bloggers and other influential people in your niche and give them high-quality photos of your products for review purposesAmazon product photography shows off the product’s benefits, which makes it more likely that they’ll talk about it on their blog or social media.

Like, you make and sell phone cases that are good for the environment.  Using recycled materials, you make cases and send a writer high-resolution pictures of them.  

In a blog post with a link to your Amazon offering, the blogger talks about how much they like the product’s looks and how eco-friendly it is made.  Bloggers’ readers will be more likely to visit your site because of this exposure.

Partnering for Paid Advertising

You can target a specific group with attractive Amazon product photography when you use paid advertising on sites like Google Ads or social media ads.

Use high-quality pictures of your products in your paid ads.  Perform an A/B test on various picture combinations to find the ones that connect best with your target audience and get the most clicks to your Amazon listing.

Take the example of a Google Ads campaign to sell your brand-new line of athletic wear.  Rather than using generic product shots, use action pictures that show the clothes being worn in different sports or fitness activities.

  Potential customers will be interested in learning more about your product on Amazon after seeing these dynamic pictures in search results.

Why You Need External Amazon Listing Traffic

As sponsored ads get more expensive and competition on Amazon grows, you need to find new ways to get suitable people to your listings. Even though Amazon has great advertising tools for buyers and brands, you might be missing out on sales if you don’t advertise outside of Amazon. 

Before you start sending people to your Amazon listings, you should make sure they are well-optimized and have a good return rate. If you don’t, you’ll waste time and, even more so, money. 

Many people won’t buy a product that has bad listing images, a short description, and few or negative reviews, even if it has the best advertising outside of Amazon. A fully optimized listing will have the following elements:

  • Impressive amazon listing images
  • SEO-friendly text
  • Bullets and detailed product descriptions
  • Possible Amazon A+ content
  • 20 to 30 4-star reviews

It’s important to wait to send external traffic to your post until you have high-quality pictures of it if it’s brand new or if you don’t have any yet.

Rather than just using Amazon’s three types of PPC ads, you can bring people from outside of Amazon to your own storefront, which doesn’t have any products or ads from other companies.

Traffic Traps to Avoid

Amazon is a huge market full of people who want to buy things. It’s not enough to just show your products, though. You need to get targeted visits from outside of Amazon if you want to really do well. However, moving traffic from outside the area has its own problems.

Neglecting Mobile Optimization

A lot of potential customers won’t visit your home page or website because it’s not mobile-friendly. Make sure that your home page or website is mobile-friendly.  A bad mobile experience can kill a deal in today’s mobile-first world.

For example, you write a blog post about your line of bags for traveling. A lot of text is on the blog, and pictures don’t resize well on phones. People on their phones who are frustrated with the post leave it without going to your Amazon page.

Forgetting the Power of Organic Search

You only use paid ads and don’t think about how organic search traffic can help you in the long run. Make sure your website and landing pages follow best practices for search engine optimisation (SEO). Focus on amazon keywords that are related to your items to improve your organic search ranking and get free, good traffic.

Suppose you sell healthy food for babies. Pay-per-click (PPC) ads are all you think about. This might bring in some visitors at first, but if you don’t do SEO, you’ll miss out on customers who are looking for “organic baby food” online, which is a long-term source of traffic.

Misleading or Exaggerated Claims

Concerning the issue at hand, making false or exaggerated claims on your landing page may damage your brand’s image and make people less likely to trust you. Furthermore, Amazon strongly forbids such actions in Amazon listing images and marketing activities related to them.

The solution is to focus on using honest, open, and detailed product details that make the benefits clear.  Focus on what makes your business special without making wild claims.  The information on your landing page should match the information on your Amazon ad exactly so that customers don’t get confused.

For example, you say that your sports water bottle is “unbreakable,” but a customer gets a broken one. This makes the experience bad and makes people less likely to come back, which damages the picture of your brand.  Pay attention to real features like “leak-proof” or “impact-resistant” to keep your hopes in check.

Sending Traffic Directly to Your Listings

While sending people straight to your product page might seem like a good idea, it misses out on important interactions.

 It’s hard to keep track of customer information, and you miss the chance to make leads into customers. Also, if a lot of people visit your site and then leave right away, Amazon’s system might pull your rank down.

Making a homepage on your website is the answer. The benefits of the product should be seen on this page, along with reviews and other reasons to buy. People will be able to easily follow your link to the Amazon page, which will allow you to collect information about them and possibly target them again in the future. 

Take the example of selling wallets made by hand out of leather.  Create a landing page that shows off the wallet’s unique design, high-quality materials, and good customer reviews instead of sending people straight to your Amazon offering. 

Provide discount coupon codes for first-time buyers to encourage them to go to your Amazon listing and finish the purchase.

Final Thought

You can turn your Amazon listings into magnets for external traffic by using the power of product photos.  

Remember that good visuals are like a global language that can be understood by anyone, regardless of language or country. They can effectively attract potential customers and send them to your Amazon listings to make a purchase.

Feeling lost in the Amazon sea? We’ll show you proven tips to attract a wave of targeted external traffic and skyrocket your sales!

Start driving external traffic now with AMZ One Step

Hi there! I’m the content marketing and branding specialist for AMZ One Step. I work hard to create engaging and informative content that helps our readers learn more about Amazon selling and how to make the most of their businesses. I love spending time with my family and exploring literary works when I’m not writing or working on projects.

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