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How To Use Amazon Video Ads to Boost Your Amazon Sales in 2024

Marketing professionals can now use Video Targets in Sponsored Display ads, which were just released by Amazon. Advertising companies can use this powerful feature to make campaigns that are more interesting and interactive by showing customers videos from across Amazon’s network.

Sellers and marketing professionals need to know what this new product can do and how to best use it. This guide will give you an overview of Sponsored Display Video Creative, what it can do for your ads, and how to start using its specific features.

Who Can Use Sponsored Brands Video Ads?

You can see these ads if you are a member of the Brand Registry program. You also need to be an active Amazon seller and have a Seller Central account that is still live. Some other things should also be thought about, but these are the main ones.

Amazon will also have to agree to it. It takes about 72 hours to get approved. Also, your video must fit into the categories you chose in the Brand Registry. Otherwise, you’ll need to get permission from someone else.

Last but not least, you can only post movies of your business. There are videos of other brands that you can’t post.

Read More: How To Maximize Your Amazon Product Video on Amazon FBA?

How Do Sponsored Brands Video Ads Work?

Amazon FBA also offers this ad format as a kind of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, whereby advertisers place bids on certain keywords to have their products shown when users conduct searches using those terms. Paying for an ad click is a one-time event.

If your bid is successful, Amazon will display your ad to those who use your term in their searches. Automatically, your video will play, but you won’t hear a thing. 

Users can always enable the sound, but if you want your videos to have the most views regardless of audio, you need to make sure they work well even when played silently.

  • This type of ad is better than others because the video will take up a lot of space on the user’s screen, making it hard to miss. This will get more people interested in your products.
    Most people won’t want to watch a long video, even if they’re interested in your goods, so your ads should be less than 30 seconds.

Don’t make product videos longer than 60 seconds unless you have to. You may not be able to post longer videos because they are too big for viewers to watch.

Types Of Video Placements On Amazon

You can pick from different video placements on Amazon FBA based on the gadget your buyers are using. For different places, you need videos that are different sizes.

Some possible video lengths are:

  • Homepage on a desktop: 300 x 250
  • Phone home page: 300 x 250
  • Homepage of the shopping app for tablets: 300 x 250
  • Page with details on smartphones: 414 x 125
  • Page of details on desktop: 970 x 250

Best Practices for Product Videos

Make A Product Tutorial Video

Absolutely nothing else should be in this video besides your product. It’s not necessary to include filler and content that has nothing to do with your business or product. 

In the first few seconds, teach people what your product is, how it works, and what benefits it offers. In addition to keeping the viewer interested, this makes it more likely that they’ll click through to your product description.

Keep Your Videos Short

According to Amazon, a 15- to 30-second video is the sweet spot for getting your point across. To hold the interest of potential buyers, emphasize the product’s main features. If it goes on for too long, people may get bored and click away from the search results.

Optimize Video For No Sound

Since your video will play on mute by default, you should make sure that the text on the screen is legible; otherwise, your message will not be conveyed. You should enhance your product videos using descriptive infographics, just like you would your product photos.

Highlight the product’s many features, benefits, uses, dimensions, and specifications with descriptive and readable text or captions. Provide your clients with all the information they need to make an informed buying decision.

Skip The Fancy Intro

Save a fade-in effect or an advanced opening for the listing video. Don’t use them at the beginning of your product videos. Don’t forget that the movies should be very short so that the customer doesn’t get bored.

Consider Creating A Looping Video

You can make your video ad loop smoothly to keep people watching after the video stops. It will look like the video never finished, which increases the chance that the customer will watch the ad again. According to Amazon’s Video rules, the following things can’t be in your videos:

  • Creative features that disrupt Amazon’s Video Safe Zone templates
  • Customer reviews, even Amazon ones
  • Discounts or savings
  • Distracting graphics like flashing, spinning, blinking, pulsing words or objects
  • Noises or volume shifts that confuse
  • Illegible text
  • The video starts or ends blank or black frames
  • Sidebars—your video cannot be a letterbox or pillarbox.
  • Sound quality issues, especially inaudibility
  • Low video quality and resolution
  • Pushy sales methods to get customers to click or buy

Read More: Amazon Product Videography Service

Top Rejection Reasons

These are the most typical reasons given by Amazon FBA for rejecting your video ad, as stated in their regulations.

  • Videos start and finish with black or dead frames.
  • Sudden changes that can leave the videos unfinished and make the customer experience bad
  • There are Amazon trademarks, logos, products, or references to Amazon goods or services in your video.
  • Putting customer reviews (with star grades) in your videos

How To Boost Amazon Targeted Ads?

You need to advertise your Amazon products if you want to make more sales. But Sponsored ads on Amazon can be hard to understand, especially if you are new to the field. Most of the time, this means that Amazon marketers are making mistakes that could cost them money and cause them to miss out on sales.

If you want to make sure you don’t make any of those mistakes with your Amazon advertising, this article will help you do it.

Know Your Market on Amazon

Being an Amazon seller is very tough. Therefore, there is a lot of competition for ad rooms. It’s easier to advertise on Amazon FBA and do better than the competition if you know your area and the companies that are in it.

Furthermore, knowing this data will help you figure out how much money you will need since some Amazon categories are more competitive than others. Researching the main brands that compete with yours will help you figure out which ones to target so that your ads reach more people.

Have Targets for Your Amazon Ads

You can make and handle your ads better if you know what you want to achieve on Amazon and how you want to use advertising to help you do it. These improvements are possible because you know what you’re working towards and what changes you need to make to reach your goals.

Your goals should be how many sales you want to make on Amazon, how much money you want to make from ads, and how much money you want to make in total.

Here’s an example: If your monthly ad spending is $5,000 and you want to make four times that amount in ad sales, or a 25% ACoS, you know that you need to make changes to your campaigns to reach your goal of $20,000 in monthly ad sales.

You will never know if you can be completely happy with the success of your ad campaigns if you don’t set any goals, like sales or a ROAS/ACoS value.

Research Keywords Extensively

Keyword research is a very important part of making your Amazon ads work better. It’s essential that you put the right keywords when you create a new campaign. This is what people will see when they search for those keywords on Amazon.

People won’t click on your ads very often if they have a lot of keywords that don’t relate to your product or a lot of niche keywords that don’t get searched for very often.

This won’t happen as often if you do a lot of keyword study before you start your ad campaigns. You’ll be able to reach the right kind of customer who is looking for exactly what you’re advertising if you do a keyword study.

Finding the best keyword terms and phrases for your goods is easier with the help of keyword research tools.

Before putting up a manual campaign, you can also run an automatic one to find effective keywords. Amazon’s algorithm will find keywords and goods that are related to the ones you’re advertising in an automatic campaign. Find out what to add to your manual strategy by getting sales data on keywords and ASIN targets.

Use All of the Ad Types Available

There are some things that Sponsored Product, Brand, Brand Video, and Display ads don’t have that the others do. This is a list of the different stages of the sales funnel that marketers can target with each ad type.

An infographic about marketing and sales funnels with stages for notice, consideration, purchase, and loyalty.

Since ads are shown on Amazon’s search pages, which is where most shoppers find goods, Sponsored Product ads will reach people who are already very likely to buy. This is why Sponsored Product ads will more than likely bring in the most money and sales. There are sponsored product ads for watches on Amazon.

  • Regular product and brand ads just can’t do what sponsored brand video ads can. They let you show your ads in a more interesting and fun way.
  • More “upper funnel” buyers are less likely to know about your brand. Sponsored Display ads can help you reach them. Display ads are great for making people aware of this and getting them started on the path to buying from you.
  • Sponsored Display is the only type of ad that lets you promote your Amazon product both on and off of Amazon, so you should think about getting it.

Take Advantage of Amazon’s Advertising Features

You can use the new features that Amazon FBA is always adding to its advertising platform to make your ads better and more useful for customers.

You should have a brand store set up and direct all Sponsored Brand campaigns to that shopfront instead of a different landing page if you want to use Sponsored Brand ads. If you do this, you can show the customer your business and all of its products. 

This feature lets you use a lifestyle picture for the goods you’re advertising, so you should also use it. This is very important if you want your Sponsored Brand Videos campaign to be approved: follow Amazon’s video rules. Just show the goods that the video leads to for about 30 seconds. 

Use Amazon’s Video Creative Builder models if you don’t have a lot of money or know much about making videos.

Ongoing Optimization

Setting up their ads on Amazon and then forgetting about them is a big mistake that many brands make. Thus, they will spend time and money making ads but then leave them to run without checking on them or making any changes. By doing this, you will fail at selling on Amazon.

Advertising strategies need to be constantly checked and improved because Amazon is a very competitive and always-changing environment. Numerous brands are competing to be at the top of search results in every area to attract customers.

To stay competitive and get a good return on your ad spend, you need to keep an eye on how your ad strategy is doing. Making sure your bids are high enough to compete means keeping an eye on how each campaign and its keywords and/or ASIN goals are doing. 

Additionally, you might need to remove any buzzwords that aren’t helping you reach your advertising goals.

Common Mistakes to Avoid with Amazon Video Ads

Amazon Video Ads can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to increase brand awareness, drive product sales, and reach a broader audience. 

However, like any advertising medium, there are common pitfalls that advertisers should be aware of to maximize the effectiveness of their campaigns. Avoiding these mistakes can help ensure that your video ads on Amazon yield the best possible results.

Neglecting Audience Research

One of the biggest mistakes advertisers make is failing to thoroughly research and understand their target audience. Without a clear understanding of who your audience is, what they are interested in, and how they behave, your ads are less likely to resonate with viewers.

 For example, if you’re selling high-end electronics, targeting a broad audience without considering factors like age, income, and tech-savviness could result in wasted ad spend. Instead, use Amazon’s robust audience insights and targeting options to reach those most likely to be interested in your products.

Poor Video Quality

High-quality video production is crucial for Amazon Video Ads. Poor lighting, shaky camera work, and low-resolution footage can make your ad appear unprofessional and drive potential customers away. 

For instance, an ad for a luxury fashion brand that uses grainy, poorly lit footage is unlikely to convey the sense of quality and exclusivity that the brand represents. Invest in professional production services or high-quality equipment to ensure your video ad looks polished and professional.

Lack of Clear Messaging

Another common mistake is creating video ads that lack a clear and concise message. Viewers should immediately understand the purpose of your ad and what you want them to do next. Avoid cluttering your video with too much information or too many calls to action. 

For example, a 30-second ad for a new kitchen gadget should focus on one or two key features and end with a clear call to action, such as “Buy now on Amazon” or “Learn more at our website.”

Ignoring Mobile Users

A significant portion of Amazon’s traffic comes from mobile users. If your video ad is not optimized for mobile viewing, you could be missing out on a large segment of your potential audience. Ensure that your video is viewable on smaller screens, loads quickly, and maintains high visual and audio quality on mobile devices.

 For example, if your text overlays are too small to read on a smartphone, mobile users might not get the information they need from your ad.

Skipping the A/B Testing

A/B testing is essential for understanding what works best in your video ads. Without testing different versions of your ad, you won’t know which elements resonate most with your audience.

 For instance, you could create two versions of your ad with different opening scenes and see which one retains viewers better. Use Amazon’s ad platform to conduct A/B tests and make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns.

Overlooking the Importance of Sound

Sound is a critical component of video ads, but it is often overlooked. Ensure that your ad has clear, high-quality audio and that any music or sound effects enhance rather than distract from your message. Additionally, consider that some viewers may watch with the sound off, so use captions or on-screen text to convey your message effectively without audio. 

For example, an ad for a travel destination with soothing background music and clear narration can create a compelling atmosphere, while subtitles ensure the message is accessible to all viewers.

Not Monitoring and Adjusting Campaigns

After launching your Amazon Video Ads, it’s important to continually monitor their performance and make adjustments as needed. Neglecting to do so can result in missed opportunities to improve your ad’s effectiveness.

 For example, if you notice that your ad’s click-through rate is low, it may be worth revisiting your call to action or the targeting parameters. Use Amazon’s analytics tools to track key metrics and refine your campaigns for better results.

Ignoring Amazon’s Guidelines and Best Practices

Amazon provides guidelines and best practices for creating and running video ads on its platform. Ignoring these guidelines can lead to your ads being rejected or underperforming. 

Familiarize yourself with Amazon’s ad policies and design specifications to ensure your ads comply and make the most of the platform’s capabilities. For example, adhering to Amazon’s recommended video lengths and format specifications can help your ads load faster and appear more professional.

Bottom Line

Starting an Amazon video promotion can help your online sales. This is what we learned in three steps:

  • Video ads for sponsored brands work well.
  • Add interesting subtitles and catchy images to your videos.
  • Follow Amazon’s rules and standards.

Start your Amazon Video Ads campaign today with AMZ One Step

Hi there! I’m the content marketing and branding specialist for AMZ One Step. I work hard to create engaging and informative content that helps our readers learn more about Amazon selling and how to make the most of their businesses. I love spending time with my family and exploring literary works when I’m not writing or working on projects.

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