Categories: Case Study

“Small Change, Big Impact: A 93% Sales Increase on Amazon”


As an Amazon seller, you must understand that product titles play a crucial role in determining the visibility and conversion rates of your product. A catchy and relevant title can significantly increase your sales, while a poor one can result in low visibility and poor sales. In this case study, we will discuss how a small change in the product title resulted in a significant increase in sales and conversion rates.

The Challenge:

Our client had an existing product on Amazon that was not performing well in terms of sales and visibility. Despite having a high-quality product, the client was struggling to generate sales and make an impact in the market. Upon analysis, we found out that the primary reason for the poor performance was the product title.

The Solution:

To address the issue, we decided to run a split test using Amazon’s ‘Manage Experiments’ option available in Seller Central. We created two different versions of the product title, one that was the original title and another that was a slightly modified version. The modified version was based on keyword research and was designed to be more appealing and relevant to the target audience. The split test was conducted for four weeks, during which both versions of the product title were shown to an equal number of potential customers. The results were astounding. The modified version of the product title, also known as version B, outperformed the original title, version A. It showed a probability of 93%.

The Outcome:

The results of the split test were evident in the sales figures. After implementing the changes, the product’s sales increased by 2.5 times. The best part was that the sample size for both versions was almost the same, which made the results more reliable. What was even more interesting was that every week, the performance of version B continued to improve, generating more sales and outperforming version A.


The split test results showed that version B with the modified title was not only more appealing but also more relevant to the target audience. Amazon demonstrated a one-year potential impact, highlighting that the product is projected to generate sales exceeding $40,000.


In conclusion, this case study highlights the importance of product titles and the impact they can have on your sales and visibility. A small change in the product title can result in significant improvements in sales and conversion rates. Therefore, it is crucial to keep testing and optimizing your product titles to ensure you are reaching your target audience and maximizing your sales potential.

Hi there! I’m the content marketing and branding specialist for AMZ One Step. I work hard to create engaging and informative content that helps our readers learn more about Amazon selling and how to make the most of their businesses. I love spending time with my family and exploring literary works when I’m not writing or working on projects.

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