Amazon Prime Day 2024: What to Expect

Amazon Prime Day 2024: What to Expect

Yes people, we are nearing what one day may very well become an internationally recognized holiday: Amazon Prime Day. The company has recently announced that Amazon Prime Day 2024 will be happening, well, soon-ish. That’s right. No confirmed date; they’re just leaving us hanging in suspense. Jeff Bezos is laughing at the amount of money he stands to make, teasing us as we all prep for this behemoth of an e-commerce sale.

In this blog we’ll cover when Amazon Prime Day 2024 will occur, how you as an Amazon seller can prepare, how to take advantage of Prime Day opportunities, and what trends may pop up this year.

Now let’s get into this fast because the time is ticking.

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So When Exactly is This Happening?

The simple answer is we don’t know…but we can ballpark it.

Usually, Amazon Prime Day happens in July because it’s the month that is slowest for Amazon FBA sellers. In 2020, Prime Day was moved to October to prioritize the shipment of essential items.

To keep up with demand, Amazon imposed a 200-unit limit on products at their Amazon FBA locations. This meant that you likely had to find a third-party logistics partner to store and ship your products once they landed on US soil (or Canadian soil if you’re in Canada).

According to multiple sources, Prime Day is slated for June, with most people predicting that it will happen around June 15th to June 30th.

There are two trains of thought as to why Amazon is choosing June instead of July.

  1. The first thought is that Amazon wants to capitalize on Father’s Day gifts. Father’s Day falls on June.20th in the US, the UK, and Canada. If Amazon Prime Day were to happen around mid-June, it would allow for people to stock up on gifts for their dads while getting some sweet deals.


People buying for Father’s Day alone boosts the sales numbers on Amazon quite a bit, so if they added Prime Day right before, one can only imagine what kind of fire that would ignite for their sales.

  1. The second thought is that Amazon is choosing June because it is in Q2 rather than July, which is in Q3. The reason being is that Amazon had massive sales numbers for Q2 in 2020 because of the pandemic.

Although those numbers were an anomaly and ultimately aren’t sustainable, Amazon likely wants to get as close to that number as possible. If the 2024 sales numbers for Q2 are drastically lower than the sales from 2020, investors could react negatively, pulling their money out of the company. This could mean a significant dip in Amazon’s stock price.

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How to Prepare

  1. Double check that your listing is optimized. This means ensuring your product photography is looking professional, your copy is written well, your A+ content is looking A+, and your Amazon storefront is set up.

I recommend going to the top-selling products in your niche and checking out what kind of images they’re using. They must be doing well for a reason, right? Also, check how they’re writing their copy. Are they utilizing certain language or ways of writing specifically to your niche? Of course, you don’t want to copy others’ listings, but it’s good to get an idea of what the top sellers are doing.

If this sounds all a little overwhelming, you can hire a professional studio to help you with all of this listing optimization.

  1. Make sure that your supply chain is set up to handle a massive increase in sales. The last thing you ever want to do is run out of stock, especially on a day when there is double the amount of people browsing Amazon.


You can replenish your stock before Prime Day to ensure that you have the maximum allowed units ready to be sold. One rule of thumb that I’ve seen several people recommend is to order an additional one week’s worth of inventory for this day. I know everyone hates this answer, but it does vary with every business, so take that rule with a grain of salt.

  1. Figure out what Prime Day deals will be best to offer with your product. At the time of writing this blog, the deadline to submit your product for lightning sales ended in April. The good thing is you still have time to submit for prime member vouchers.

  1. Get ready to manage your Amazon PPC like a pro. Time after time, people have underestimated their PPC budget, and it maxes out before the day is half over. Don’t let this happen to you.

Some people recommend just turning off your PPC until half the day is done and then activating it. The logic behind this is it is expected that the first half of the day will be flooded with “window shoppers”, reducing the need for PPC anyway.

The second option recommended is to simply increase your PPC budget by 2 or 3 times.

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Take Advantage of Opportunities

Now is the perfect time to become the ‘Amazon’s Best Seller’ in your niche.

How you ask? Well, if you prep everything right, you should be doubling or tripling your sales for the day. Even if you spend a lot on PPC and barely break even, but you’ve sold enough units to snatch the Best Seller badge from your competitors, I would consider that a win.

There is also an opportunity to optimize your listing via split testing. I won’t go into detail about what split testing is, but Amazon will let you A/B test your A+ content inside of Amazon.

Splitly is a great external tool that lets you A/B every aspect of your listing that Amazon doesn’t allow.

Ultimately, the most important things to split test will be your product’s price and main image. With such high traffic to the site, you’ll surely get an increased amount of data to work with.

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What Trends Can We Expect to See?

At my job, I see hundreds of different products every month, so I like to think that I’m on top of what’s popular on Amazon right now. If I had to guess as to what the two hottest product categories are going to be for Prime Day 2024 I would put my money on baby products and pet products.

Here’s why:

I know you know someone who either got a pet or had a baby during the pandemic. I’d wager that you may even know several people who got a pet or had a baby during the pandemic. The sheer volume of products in these categories that I’ve seen in only a few short months must mean that there is a high demand and large opportunity.

Of course, we can expect electronics will be a big category but it always has been. That category has never wavered in its popularity, especially with Amazon promoting their own electronics like the Kindle E-Book, the Echo Smart Speakers, and Amazon Fire TV sets to name a few.

And as Prime Day might fall close to Father’s Day, you can surely expect gifts for fathers day to be a highly searched keyword as well.

That being said, things are starting to open up in the US, where a lot of you sellers reading this are selling. At the time of writing this blog, about 40% of all Americans have been vaccinated, meaning shoppers may start to return to the brick-and-mortar stores.

Of course, shopping online is easy, and many of us have become accustomed to it; but it does raise the question: “Are shoppers going to want to go out and buy after being cooped up for so long?”.

I speculate that many Americans will be returning to brick-and-mortar stores more and more as things slowly open up. So I am curious as to whether we’ll see a dip in sales in relation to people going out to shop again.

Reference Guide:-

Also Read:- Amazon PPC optimization- Understanding the Basics:


Amazon Prime Day 2024 is going to be another weird event for Amazon sellers.

As mentioned, we can likely expect to see Prime Day 2024 sometime in mid to late June. There will be lots of opportunities to take advantage of, so have a plan mapped out so that you can succeed this Prime Day.

If you would like to stay up to date on other useful blogs for Amazon sellers, connect with me on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter @nolanswriting.


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